Timeline of Indian History

Timeline of Indian History

Timeline of Indian History

Date Event
9000 BC to 7000 BC The Rock Shelters at Bhimbetka. These are situated at the foothills of the Vindhyan Mountains. There are five groups of rock shelters that are adorned with paintings are date from the Mesolithic Period.
7000 BC to 3300 BC Mehrgarh Culture. This dates back to the Neolithic period. Oldest site to introduce farming and herding. Situated in Baluchistan.
3300 BC to 1700 BC Indus Valley Civilization
3300 BC to 2600 BC The Early Harappan Phase, which lasted for about 700 years, starting with the Ravi Phase.
2600 BC – 1700 BC Mature Harappan Phase, wherein large cities and urban areas emerged and the civilization expanded.
1700 BC – 1300 BC The Late Harappan Phase began.
1700 BC – 500 BC Vedic Period, when the sacred Vedic Sanskrit Texts in India were compiled.
1700 BC – 1000 BC Early Vedic Period.  The period of the compilation of Rig Veda. Caste system becomes rigid and families become patriarchal.
1700 BC The Late Harappan and the Early Vedic Period coincide
1300 BC The end of the Cemetary H Culture
1000 BC Iron Age in India
1000 BC – 500 BC Later Vedic Period. Agriculture became the predominant economic activity. There was a change in the political organization and the involvement of people in administration.
600 BC Formation of the Sixteen Maha Janapadas – The Great Kingdoms
599 BC The founder of Jainism – Mahavira was born.
563 BC The founder of Buddhism – Siddhartha Gautama was born
538 BC Cyrus the great conquered parts of Pakistan
500 BC Panini standardized grammer and the morphology of Sanskrit. Converted it into classical Sanskrit. The earliest written records in Brhami exist. The end of the Vedic Period.
333 BC Darius III was defeated by Alexander the Great. The Macedonian Empire was established
326 BC In the Battle of the Hydaspes River, The King of Taxila, Ambhi, surrendered to Alexander
321 BC Chandra Gupta Maurya established the Maurya Empire
273 BC Emperor Ashoka took over the Maurya Empire
266 BC Ashoka conquered most of South Asia, Afghanistan and Iran
265 BC Emperor Ashoka embraced Buddhism after the Battle of Kalinga
232 BC Ashoka died and was succeeded by Dasaratha
230 BC Satavahana Empire was established
200 to 100 BC Tholkappiyam standardized grammar and morphology of Tamil
184 BC The assassination of Emperor Brihadrata ended the Mauryan Empire and the establishment of the Sunga dynasty
180 BC Establishment of the Indo-Greek kingdom
80 BC Establishment of the Indo-Scythian kingdom
10 BC Establishment of the Indo-Parthian kingdom
68 AD The  Kushan Empire is established by Kujula Kadphises
78 AD The Satvahana Dynasty was  taken over by Gautamiputra Satkarni
240 AD Establishment of the Gupta Empire by Sri-Gupta
320 AD Chandragupta I took over the Gupta Empire
335 AD Samudragupta took over the Gupta Empire and started expanding it
350 AD Establishment of the Pallava Empire
380 AD Chandragupta II took over the Gupta Empire
399 to 414 AD Chinese scholar Fa-Hien traveled to India
550 AD to 1300 AD The Early Medieval Period
606 AD Harshavardhana became the King
630 AD Hiuen Tsiang traveled to India
761 AD Mohammed Bin Qasim, the first Muslim Invader invades
800 AD The birth of Shankaracharya
814 AD Nripatunga Amoghavarsha I became Rashtrakuta king
1000 AD Invasion by Mahmud of Ghazni
1017 AD Alberuni traveled to India
1100s AD Majority of India was ruled by the Rashtrakutas, Chandelas, Cholas, Kadambas.
1120 AD Kalyani Chalukya Empire attained peak, Vikramaditya VI introduced Vikrama Chalukya Era
1191 AD Mohammed Ghori & Prithivi Raj Chauhan III fight the First battle of Tarain
1192 AD Second battle of Tarain between Ghauri and Prithivi Raj Chauhan III
1194 AD The Battle of Chandawar took place between Ghauri and Jayachandra
1288 AD Marco Polo came to India
1300 AD to 1500 AD Late Medieval Period
1300 AD Establishment of the Khilji Dynasty
1336 to 1565 AD Vijayanagar Empire
1498 AD First voyage of Vasco-da-Gama to Goa
1526 AD to 1818 AD Post Medieval Era
1526 AD Sultan of Delhi, Ibrahim Lodi was defeated by Babur, the Mughal ruler of Kabul.
1527 AD Battle of Khanwa, in which Babur annexed Mewar
1530 AD Babur died and was succeeded Humayun
1556 AD Humayun died and was succeeded by his son Akbar
1600 AD The formation of The East India company in England
1605 AD Akbar died and was succeeded by Jehangir
1628 AD Jehangir died and was succeeded by Shah Jahan
1630 AD Shivaji was born
1658 AD Shah Jahan built Taj Mahal, Jamia Masjid and Red Fort
1659 AD Shivaji defeated Adilshahi troops at the Battle of Pratapgarh
1674 AD Maratha Empire was established
1680 AD Shivaji died
1707 AD Aurangzeb died and was succeeded by Bahadur Shah I
1737 AD Bajirao I conquered Delhi
1740 AD Balaji Bajirao took over after Bajirao I’s death
1757 AD Battle of Plassey was fought
1761 AD Third battle of Panipat ended the expansion of Maratha Empire
1766 AD First Anglo-Mysore War
1777 AD First Anglo-Maratha War
1780 AD Second Anglo-Mysore War
1789 AD Third Anglo-Mysore War
1798 AD Fourth Anglo-Mysore War
1799 AD Tipu Sultan died, Wodeyar dynasty was restored
1803 AD Second Anglo-Maratha War
1817 AD Third Anglo-Maratha War begins
1818 AD End of the Maratha Empire and British control over most of India
1857 AD First Indian war of Independence, known as Indian Mutiny
1885 AD Indian National Congress was formed
1930 AD Dandi Salt March, Simon Commission, First Round Table Conference
1919 AD Massacre at Jallianwala Bagh
1921 AD Civil Disobedience Movement
1930 AD Dandi Salt March Took Place; First Round Table Conference, Simon Commission
1931 AD Bhagat Singh was hanged by the British, Second Round Table Conference, Gandhi-Irvin Pact
1942 AD Quit India Movement, Rise of Subhash Chandra Bose
1946 AD There was pressure from the Muslim League for the formation of Pakistan
1947 AD India gained independence and witnessed partition