Biology Terms Dictionary

Biology Terms Dictionary

Biology Terms Dictionary

  • Anatomy- Study of internal structure of organism.
  • Agrology – Soil science dealing specially with production of crop.
  • Agronomy- Science of soil management and production of crop.
  • Agrostology – Study if grass.
  • Arthrology- Study of joins.
  • Apiculture- rearing of honey bee for honey.
  • Anthropology- Study of origin, development and relationship between the culture of past and present human.
  • Anthology – Study of flower and flowering plant.
  • Angiology- Study of blood vascular system including arteries and veins.
  • Andrology- Study of male reproductive organ.
  • Bryology- Study of bryophytes.
  • Biometrics – Statical study of biological problem.
  • Biomedical engineering- Production and designing of spare part for man for overcoming various defects in man .e.g. artificial limbs, Iron lung, Pacemaker etc.
  • Biotechnology- Technology connected with living being for wilful manipulation on molecular level.
  • Bacteriology- Study of bacteria.
  • Cytology– Study of cell.
  • Cryobiology – It is the study of effect of low temperature on organisms and their preservation.
  • Clone – Celones are genetically identical individuals in a population.
  • Cardiology – Study of heart.
  • Clone – Clones are genetically identical individuals in a population.
  • Demography- Study of population.
  • Diffusion- Random movement of molecule / ion or gases from a region of higher concentration to lower concentration.
  • Diffusion- Random movement of molecule / gas / ion from reign of higher concentration to lower concentration.
  • Dermatology – Study of skin.
  • Dendrochronology- Counting and analyzing annual growth rings of tree to know its age.
  • Ecology – Study of inter- relationship between living and their environment.
  • Evolution- Study of origin of life, variation and formation of new species.
  • Embryology- It is the study of fertilization and development if zygote.
  • Eugenics – Study of factors connected with the improvement of race.
  • Euthenics – Treatment of defective in heredity through genetics engineering.
  • Ethnology – Study of science dealing with different races of human.
  • Ethology – Study of animal behavior.
  • Etiology – Study of life cycle of pathogen.
  • Entomology- Study of insects.
  • Exobiology- Study of possibility of life in space.
  • Floriculture- Cultivation of plant for their flower.
  • Food technology-Scientific processing, preservation, Storage and transportation of food.
  • Forensic science – Application of science for identification of various facts civilian.
  • Fishery- catching, breeding, rearing and marketing of fishes.
  • Forestry- Development and management of forest.
  • Fermentation- process of incomplete oxidation that occur in microbes and other cells in absence of oxygen, leading to the for nation of ethyl alcohol.
  • Genetics- Study of variation and transmission of characters from parents to their young ones.
  • Growth – Permanent increase in the weight and volume or size of an organism.
  • Gynecology- Study of female reproductive organ.
  • Gerontology-Study of ageing.
  • Gastroenterology- Study of alimentary canal or stomach, intestine and their disease.
  • Hypertonic- when two solution have differcut sdute concentration. The sol at ion which have higher concentration is called hypertonic.
  • Hypotonic- in two solation which have lawer solute con centration is called hypotonic.
  • Home thermic- Animals who have a constant body temperature are called home thermo cot warmblooded animal.
  • Histology- Study of tissue with the help of microscope.
  • Hygiene- Science taking care of health.
  • Hydroponics- Study of growing plant without soil in water which contain nutrient.
  • Haematology- Study of blood
  • Hepatology- Study of liver.
  • Lchthyology- Study of fishes.
  • Lmmunology- Study of immunity or resistance of body to disease.
  • Kalology- Study of human beauty.
  • Metazoans- All multicellular animals are called metazoans.
  • Monoecious- Plant which have both male and female flower.
  • Morphology – Study of external structure.
  • Microbiology- Study of Micro- Organism like virus bacteria algae fungi and protozoa.
  • Molecualr biology- Study of molecule found in the body of living organism.
  • Medicine- Study of treating disease by drug.
  • Mammography – Brach of science which deal test of breast cancer.
  • Mycology – Study of fungi.
  • Nutrients- Chemical substance taken as food which are necessary for various faction, growth and heath of living.
  • Neurology – Study of nervous system.
  • Neonatology- Study of new born.
  • Nephrology- Study if kidneys.
  • Osmosis- movement of water moledcule across semipermeable membrane from the region of its higher concentration to the region of lower communication.
  • Odontology- Study of teeth and gum.
  • Osteology- Study of bones.
  • Oncology- Study of cancer and tumours.
  • Obstetrics- Science connected with care of pregnant woman before, during and after child birth.
  • Ornithology- Study of birds.
  • Ophthalmology- Study of eyes.
  • Orthopaedics- Diagnosis and repair of disorders of locomotery system.
  • Phytoplanlktons- Microscopic organism which passively float on the surface of water.
  • Parasite- organism which depend on other living for their food and shelter.
  • Poikilothermic- Organism which change their body temperature according to surrounding. These are also called cold blooded animal.
  • Pigment- A Substance which absorb light of certain wavelength like chlorophyll formed in green leaves.
  • Paleontology- Study of function of various system of organism.
  • Pathology- Study of diseases, effects, causable agents and transmission of pathogens.
  • Pomology- Study of fruit and fruit yielding plant.
  • Psychiatry- Treatment of mental disease.
  • Psychology- Study of human mind and behavior.
  • Pisciculture- rearing of fishes.
  • Phycology- Study of algae.
  • Paediatrics- Branch of medicine dealing with children.
  • Parasitology- Study of parasites.
  • Photobiology- Effect of light on various biological processes.
  • Phylogeny – Evolutionary history of organism.
  • Physiotherapy- Treatment of body defects through massage and exercise.
  • Radiology- Science dealing with the effect of radiation on living beings.
  • Rhinology – Study of nose and olfactory organs.
  • Sonography- Study of ultrasound imaging.
  • Saurology- Study of lizards.
  • Serology- Study of serum, interaction of antigen and antibodies in the blood.
  • Sphygmology – Study of pulse and arterial pressure.
  • Taxonomy- Study of classification, nomenclature and identification of organism.
  • Telepathy- Communication of thoughts or ideas from one mind to another without normal use of senses. In other word this is the process of menta contact.
  • Veterinary Science – Science of health care and treatment of animals.