GK Questions and Answers on Life Processes

GK Questions and Answers on Life Processes

GK Questions and Answers on Life Processes

1. In Human beings the process of digestion of food begins in:
A. Stomach
B. Food Pipe
C. Mouth
D. Small Intestine
Ans. C
Digestion of food starts as soon as we put food in our mouth. The mouth cavity contains teeth, tongue and salivary glands. The teeth cut the food into small pieces, chew and grind it. The teeth help in physical digestion. The salivary glands help in chemical digestion by secreting enzymes.
2. Which of the following organism have parasitic mode of nutrition?
A. Penicillium
B. Plasmodium
C. Paramecium
D. Parrot
Ans. B
In parasitic nutrition organism derives its food from the body of another living organism called host without killing it. Parasitic mode of nutrition is observed in several fungi, bacteria, few plants like Cucuta and some animals like Plasmodium and round worms. Plasmodium causes malarial disease.
3. Name the first enzyme that mix with food in the digestive tract?
A. Pepsin
B. Trypsin
C. Amylase
D. None of the above
Ans. C
The salivary glands present in mouth secrete salivary amylase enzyme which digests the starch present in food into sugar. Digestion of starch or carbohydrate starts in mouth itself. Therefore, amylase is the first enzyme that helps in the process of digestion.
4. Which of the following in biology is the energy currency of cells?
Ans. C
The process of releasing energy from food is called respiration. The energy is stored in the form of ATP (Adenosine tri phosphate) in the body cells which is used for various purposes like contraction of muscles, conduction of nerve impulses, synthesis of proteins and many other activities related to the functioning of cells. Therefore, ATP is known as the energy currency of cells.
5. In the stem of a plant respiration and breathing takes place through:

A. Lenticels
B. Stomata
C. Root hair
D. Air tubes
Ans. A
In woody stems of plants or trees have lenticels for the exchange of respiratory gases.

6. Which animal has three-chambered heart?
A. Pigeon
B. Lizard
C. Fish
D. Lion
Ans. B
Lizard has three-chambered heart. Except crocodilians all the reptiles have three-chambered heart. Crocodiles have four-chambered heart. Pigeons have four-chambered heart. Fish have two-chambered heart. Lion have four-chambered heart.
Birds and mammals have four chambered heart i.e. 2 atria and 2 ventricles. Three-chambered consists of 2 atria and 1 ventricle and two-chambered heart consists of 1 atria and 1 ventricle.
7. Name the blood vessel which carries blood back to the heart?
A. Vein
B. Artery
C. Capillaries
D. Platelet
Ans. A
Arteries carries blood from the heart to the body organs and veins carries blood from the body organs back to the heart.
8. Transportation of food in plants takes place through:
A. Xylem
B. Phloem
C. Companion cells
D. Tracheids
Ans B
Plants have two tissues that help in transportation. Xylem transports water and solutes from the roots to the leaves while phloem transports food from the leaves to the rest of the plant.
9. After wound or cut in a body blood coagulates through:
C. Platelets
D. Plasma
Ans. C
After wound or cut in a body it starts to bleed. But within few seconds or minutes blood cells start to clump together and clot, preventing the further blood loss. These clots are created by a type of blood cell called platelet.
10. When blood is forced into the artery, wave like expansion takes place is called:
A. Heart beat
B. Pulse
C. Flow
D. Ticking
Ans. B
The expansion of an artery each time the blood is forced into it is called pulse. The pulse rate of an adult person while resting is 70 to 72 per minute.
From the above quiz we have seen various life processes that take place in an organism.

Father of Branches of Biology
Subject Scientist
Father of Botany Theophrastus
Father of Zoology Aristotle
Father of Biology Aristotle
Father of Modern Botany Linnaeus
Father of Endochrinology Thomas Addison
Father of Immunology Edward Jenner
Father of Agronomy Peter De-cresenji
Father of Genetics GJ Mendel
Father of Modern Genetics TH Morgan
Father of Biodiversity EO Wilson
Father of Cytology Robert Hooke
Father of Palynology Erdtman
Father of Mycology Micheli
Father of Indian Forestry Sir Dietrich Brandis
Father of Plant Physiology Stephan Hales
Father of Gene Therapy Anderson
Father of Indian Paleobotany Birbal Sahani
Father of Polygenic Inheritance Kolreuter
Father of Surgery and Plastic Surgery Susruta
Father of Anatomy Herophilus
Father of Ethology Konard Lorentz
Father of Cloning Ian Willmut
Father of Chemotherapy Paul Ehrlich
Father of Eugenics Francis Galton
Father of Bryology Johann Hedwig
Father of Indian Ecology R Mishra
Father of Mutation Hugo De Vries
Father of Indian Phycology OP Iyengar
Father of Genetic Engineering Paul Berg
Father of Ayurveda Charka
Father of Polio Vaccine Jonas Salk
Father of Taxonomy Carolus Linnaeus
Father of Embryology Aristotle
Father of Microscopy Marcello Malpighi
Father of Blood Circulation William Harvey
Father of Medicine Hippocrates
Father of Blood Groups Karl Landsteiner
Father of Radiation Genetics HJ Muller
Father of Palaentology Leonardo da Vinci
Father of Flistology Francis Bichet
Father of DNA Finger Printing Garrod
Father of ATP Cycle Lipmann
Father of Stress Physiology Hans Selye
Father of Gerontology Korenchevsk
Father of Bacteriology Robert Koch
Father of Antibiotics Alexander Fleming
Father of Pathology Rudolph Virchow
Father of Virology WM Stanley
Father of Epidemiology John Snow
Father of Endocrinology Thomas Addison
Father of Homeopathy Hahnemann
Father of Green Revolution Norman Borlaug


Biology- Cell: Structure and Functions

1. Who discovered cell in 1665?

a) Robert Hook

b) Robert Crook

c) David Thomson

d) Marie Francois

Ans. a)

2. Name an Organelle which serves as a primary packaging area for molecules that will be distributed throughout the cell?

a) Mitochondria

b) Plastids

c) Golgi apparatus

d) Vacuole

Ans. c)

3. Name the outer most boundary of cell?

a) Plasma membrane

b) Cytoplasm

c) Nuclear membrane

d) None of the above

Ans. a)

4. Name the process in which the ingestion of material by the cells is done through the plasma membrane?

a) Egestion

b) Diffusion

c) Osmosis

d) Éndocytosis

Ans. d)

5. Which among the following sentence is not correct about the organelles?

a) They are found in all Eukaryotic cells.

b) They are found in multicellular organisms.

c) They coordinate to produce the cell.

d) They are small sized and mostly internal.

Ans. b)

6. Name the process in which the passage of water goes from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration through a semi permeable membrane?

a) Diffusion

b) Osmosis

c) Both a) and b)

d) Neither a) nor b)

Ans. b)

7. Name an organism which contains single chromosome and cell division occurs through fission or budding?

a) Eukaryotes

b) Prokaryotes

c) Bacteria

d) Primitive organism

Ans. b)

8. Name the process in which the membrane of a vesicle can fuse with the plasma membrane and extrude its contents to the surrounding medium?

a) Exocytosis

b) Endocytosis

c) Osmosis

d) Diffusion

Ans. a)

9. The jelly like substance present inside the cell is known as:

a) Cytoplasm

b) Ectoplasm

c) Nucleoplasm

d) None of the above

Ans. a)

10. Blue green Algae are:

a) Prokaryotes

b) Eukaryotes

c) Both a) and b)

d) Neither a) nor b)

Ans. a)

Cell Division

Translation and transcription are two major steps of

  1. cytoplasm fission
  2. binary fission
  3. DNA replication
  4. protein synthesis

Division of cell in mitosis is classified as

  1. anabolism
  2. catabolism
  3. cytokinesis
  4. cytosol

‘DNA’ replication phase in cell cycle is classified as

  1. D phase
  2. R phase
  3. S phase
  4. B phase

DNA’ is replicated once in

  1. cytoplasm fission
  2. binary fission
  3. mitosis
  4. meiosis

Cell division process which is also classified as nuclear division is

  1. mitosis
  2. anabolism
  3. catabolism
  4. metabolism