Important Events in Indian History Timeline

historical events in india

Important Years in Indian History:

Here is some list of Important dates and events in Indian History with Year Wise, Most of the events asked in various Kerala PSC Exam and other PSC exam. So if you are a student and preparing for PSC Exam then these are the most important event list which we have summarized for you. Must Prepare before going to any PSC exam. A quick PSC Revision Material Related to Principal Events. Let go:

East India Company – 1600

First Anglo – French Carnatic War – 1744 – 48

Second Anglo – French Carnatic War – 1750 – 54

Third Anglo – French Carnatic War – 1757 – 63

Battle of Plassey – 1757

The Third Battle of Panipat between the Marathas and Ahmed Shah Abdali – 1761

The First Anglo – Mysore War – 1767 – 1769

Warren Hastings assumes office as Governor of Bengal –1772

The Regulating Act passed by the BritiSh Parliament – 1773

Warren Hastings becomes the first Governor General – 1774

The first Anglo – Maratha War – 1775 – 82

The Second Anglo – Mysore War 1780 – 84

Pitts India Act passed by the British Parliament – 1784

The Third Anglo – Mysore War – 1790 – 92

Permanent Settlement of Bengal , Charter Act of 1793 Passed by the British Parliament – 1793

The Fourth Anglo – Mysore War – 1799

The Second Anglo – Maratha War – 1803 – 06

Vellore Mutiny – 1806

The Charter Act of 1813 passed by the British Parliament – 1813

The Anglo – Nepal War –1814 – 16

The Third Anglo – Maratha War 1817 -18

The First Anglo – Burmese War – 1824 -26

Sato declared illegal – 1829

The Charter Act of 1813 passed by the British Parliament – 1813

The Anglo – Nepal War – 1814 – 16

The Third Anglo – Maratha War – 1817 – 18

The first Anglo – Burmese War – 1824 – 26

Sati declared illegal – 1829

The Charter Act of 1833 passed ;Abolition of the Company’s trading rights – 1833

English adopted as the official language by the English Company – 1835

The first Anglo – Afghan War – 1839 – 42

The first Anglo – Sikh War – 1845 – 46

The Second Anglo – Sikh War and annexation of the Punjab – 1848 – 49

The Second Anglo – Sikh War and annexation of the Punjab – 1848 – 49

The Second Anglo Burmese War – 1852

First railway line between Bombay and Thana Opened – 1853

Charles Woods dispatch on Indian Education. – 1854

Establishment of Universities at Bombay , Calcutta and Madras ,& Outbreak of the Mutiny , Revolt and First War of Indian Independence – 1857

Queen Victoria’s proclamation –1858

The Indian Councils Act , 1861 passed by the British Parliament – 1861

The Delhi Durbar organised by Lytton – 1876 – 77

The Second Afghan War – 1878 -80

The Vernacular Press Act passed – 1878

First Factory Act passed in India – 1881

Appointment of the Hunter Commission on School Education – 1882

The Gilbert Bill Controversy – 1883

The Indian National Congress meet at Bombay – 1885

The Indian Councils Act passed by British Parliament . Split in the Arya Samaj – 1892

Foundation of the Servants of India Society, and The Partition of Bengal –1905

The Muslim League formed at Dacca – 1906

Surat Split – 1907

The Indian Councils Act passed – 1909

The Coronation Durbar at Delhi – 1911

Delhi becomes the new capital of India – 1912

Foundation of Banares Hindu University, & Tilak organise Home Rule League at Poona – 1916

Gandhi launches the Champaran campaign in Bihar to focus attention on grievances of Indigo planters – 1917

Montagu’s announcement regarding introduction of Responsible Government in India Call for All India hartal against Rowlatt Bills – 1919

First meeting of the All India Trade Union Congress.Foundation of – 1920

Aligarh Muslim University. & Hunter Commission Report on Jallianwalla Bagh Massacre published. & First Non – cooperation Movement launched by Gandhiji Moplah rebellion in Kerala – 1921

Violent incidents at Chauri Chaura and Gandhiji calls off the Non – Cooperation Movement – 1922

Swaraj Party – 1923

The Communist Party of India Organised at Kanpur – 1924

Appointment of the Simon Commission – 1927

Nehru Report recommends principles for the new Constitution of India – 1928

These are some Most Important events which are happens in History of India, Mostly asked in various Kerala PSC exam. If we missed some events please do share in comment we love to add them into our list. Hope these list give you a quick revision before any exam.

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