Environmentalist Laws & Major Environmental Events

Environmentalist Laws & Major Environmental Events

Environmentalist Laws

Environment protection Act (EPA) – 1986
The national Environmental Tribunal Act – 1995
The Municipal solid wastes (Management and Handling) Rules – 2000
The ozone Depleting substance (Regulation and control) – 2000
The Biological Diversity Act – 2002
The Forest (Conservation) Act – 1980
The Indian Forest Act – 1927 and its amendment – 1984
The Wild life protection Act 1972 and its amendment – 1991
The Water (Prevention and control of Pollution) Act – 1974
The Coastal Regulation Zone notification –1991
The Factories Act – 1948 and its amendment in – 1987
The Air (Prevention and Control of pollution) Act – 1981
The Atomic Energy Act – 1982
The Motor Vechile Act – 1988
The National Forest policy – 1988
The National Environment Appellate Authority Act-1997

Major Environmental Events

World Habitat day – 4th October
World animal day – 3rd October
World environmental day – 5th June
World forestry day – 21st March
World Water day – 22nd March
Biological diversity day – 29the December
Animal welfare fortnight – 14th January
Wildlife week – 1st week of October
East Day – April 22
Wetland day – February 2
World conservation day – December

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