Kerala PSC Juniour Assistant Detailed Syllabus

Kerala PSC Juniour Assistant Detailed Syllabus

Kerala PSC Juniour Assistant Detailed Syllabus


 Quantitative Aptitude

Number System, HCF and LCM, Percentage problems, Profit and Loss, Time and Work, Speed, Time & Train, Average, Algebraic Expressions, Simple lnterest, Compound Interest, Test of Divisibility, Simplification, Ratio & Proportions, Area, Volume, Calendar, Clocks, Problems on Age etc.

General English

English grammer, Vocabulary, Idioms and phrases, Spotting errors, Sentance improvement, Sentance completion, Spelling test, Synonyms, Antonyms, Correct usage of articles, Singular and Plural, One word Substitutes, Active and Passive Voice, Problem concerning words etc.

Mental ability

Calculation, Analogy, Series, Blood Relation, Coding & Decoding, Classification, Letter & Number Series, Direction and Distance, Odd Man Out-Analogy, Common Sense Test, Date and Calendar, Logical sequence of of words, Clock, etc

General Science

Common Scientific Facts from Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Scientific Phenomena, Basic facts about science.
Current Affairs and Malayalam

World, National and Regional Questions related to the Politics, Science, Sports, Cinema and Literature, Malayalam Grammar, Malayalam opposite words etc.

Facts about India and Kerala

Geographical features of India, Physical Features of India, Climate, Demographic features of India, Indian rivers, Famous historic Sites, Geographic features of Kerala, Historic sites of kerala, Modern India, facts about kerala etc

Renaissance of Kerala

Important leaders of kerala renaissance, Important dates, Events, Important movements in kerala history etc.

Constitution of India

Basic facts and features of Indian Constitution, Citizenship Acts, Fundamental Rights & Duties,Union Territories, Public Service Commissions and Other Important
Offices, Important Amendments etc.

Information Technology

Basic facts about computers, Fundamentals of computer, Cyber laws, Internet

Social Welfare Schemes

Social welfare schemes of Kerala and India