Kerala PSC Office Attendant Syllabus

Kerala PSC Office Attendant Syllabus

KPSC Office Attendant Syllabus 2022 : Details

Recruitment Board Name Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC)
Job Role Office Attendant
Category Syllabus
Vacancies No 64 Posts
Official Site

KPSC Office Attendant Syllabus 2022

English :

1. Synonyms
2. Error Correction (Phrase in Bold)
3. Active and Passive Voice
4. Passage Completion
5. Idioms and Phrases
6. Sentence Improvement
7. Para Completion
8. Spelling Test
9. Joining Sentences
10. Fill in the blanks
11. Spotting Errors
12. Antonyms
13. Substitution
14. Sentence Arrangement
15. Transformation
16. Prepositions
17. Sentence Completion
18. Error Correction (Underlined Part).

Numerical Ability : 

1. Simple & Compound Interest
2. Pipes and Cisterns
3. Quadratic Equations
4. Problem on Ages
5. Number Series
6. Probability
7. Simplification/ Approximation
8. Time
9. Work & Wages
10. Data Interpretation (Pie/ Line/ Bar/ Tabular)
11. Data Sufficiency
12. Percentages
13. Boats & Streams
14. Speed
15. Time & Distance
16. Profit
17. Loss & Discount
18. Mixture & Allegations
19. Averages
20. Ratio & Proportion.

Reasoning : 

1. Number Series
2. Letter Series
3. Puzzles
4. Syllogisms
5. Analogies
6. Clocks & Calendars
7. Cubes & Dice
8. Binary Logic
9. Blood Relations
10. Coding-Decoding
11. Classification
12. Seating Arrangement
13. Venn Diagrams
14. Data Sufficiency
15. Coded Inequalities
16. Double Lineup
17. Problem Solving
18. Routes & Networks
19. Grouping & Selections
20. Logical Deductions
21. Statements and Conclusions
22. Mathematical and Computer Operations
23. Evaluating Course of Action
24. Inferences
25. Situation Reaction Test
26. Critical Reasoning
27. Symbols and Notations
28. Direction Sense Test
29. Verification of Truth of the Statement
30. Logical Sequence Of Words
31. Assertion and Reason
32. Decision Making
33. Statements and Assumptions
34. Data Interpretation.

General Awareness

1. Indian Economy.
2. Culture.
3. Indian Polity.
4. Abbreviations.
5. Science & Technology.
6. India Geography.
7. History.
8. Awards & Honors.
9. Important Financial & Economic News.
10. Indian Constitution.
11. General Politics.
12. Books & Authors.
13. Inventions & Discoveries Science.
14. Important Days.
15. Sports & Games.
16. Current Events.
17. Personalities in News, etc.

KPSC Office Attendant Exam Pattern 2022

Duration : 120 Minutes

S.No. Subject No.of Question Marks
1 Mathematics 20 20
2 General Intelligence 20 20
3 Reasoning 20 20
4 General Awareness 20 20
5 General Science 20 20
Total 100 100

Exam Date : Notified Soon

Total Post : 258