Random Facts About Human Body

Random Facts About Human Body

Random Facts About Human Body

  • What is the estimated no. of cells that the human body is composed of?

Ans: 37.2 trilion

  • What is the amount of blood contains in the human body?

Ans: 5-6 litres.

  • With how many bones the human skeletal system is composed of in adult age?

Ans: 206

  • What is the largest organ in the human body?

Ans: skin

  • What is the largest gland?

Ans: liver

  • How many blood groups in the ABO system?

Ans: 4

  • How many chambers in the human heart?

Ans: 4

  • What is the average blood pressure of human being?

Ans: 120/80 mmHg

  • What is the weight of the brain?

Ans: 1.36 kg

  • What is the name of covering of central nervous system?

Ans: meninges

  • Which part of the brain controls anger, fear, body temperature?

Ans: hypothalamus

  • Which part occupies 80% of the brain?

Ans: cerebram

  • what is the function of retina?

Ans: to create reflection of an image

  • what is the master gland of the body?

Ans: pituitary gland

  • what is the amount of urine that a healthy human passes each day?

Ans: 1500 ml

  • what is the Ph of urine?

Ans: 6

  • what is the weight of heart in an average human being?

Ans: 300 gm

  • what is the covering of heart?

Ans: pericardium

  • How many ribs in the human thorax?

Ans: 12 pairs

  • What is the percentage of calcium stored in the bones?

Ans: 97%

  • Which acid is secreted from stomach?

Ans: HCl

  • What is the amount of gastric juice secreted from stomach daily?

Ans: 2 litres

  • What is the mixed gland of the human body?

Ans: pancreas

  • What is the function of thrombocyte?

Ans: hemostasis

  • Who invented human blood grouping system?

Ans: Carl Landsteiner

  • What kind of blood is carried through artery?

Ans: oxygenated blood

  • What is the function of hemoglobin?

Ans: transport oxygen

  • Who invented Insulin?

Ans: Edward Sharpy Schafer

  • What is considered as the ‘Power house of cell’?

Ans: Mitochondria

  • What is the brain of the cell?

Ans: Nucleus

  • Who is the father of anatomy?

Ans: Aristotle

  • In which muscle we can find ‘intercalated disc’?

Ans: cardiac muscle

  • Hoe many vertebrae are there in the human boby?

Ans: 33

  • Which bone is called ‘beauty bone’?

Ans: clavicle

  • Which is the longest bone in the human body?

Ans: Femur

  • What is the length of stomach?

Ans: 25 cm

  • How many teeth are there in the human body in adult life?

Ans: 32

  • Which part of the human body produces voice?

Ans: vocal cord

  • Which nerve is responsible for olfaction?

Ans: olfactory nerve

  • What is the covering of lung?

Ans: pleura

  • Which is the common pathway in between respiratory and gastrointestinal tract?

Ans: pharynx

  • What is the equivalent part of penis in female body?

Ans: clitoris

  • What is the cause of hardness in erected penis?

Ans: Increased blood

  • What is the cause of Diabetes mellitus?

Ans: insulin deficiency

  • What is the sex hormone in female?

Ans: estrogen and progesterone

  • What is the secretion of lacrimal gland?

Ans: Tear

  • What is the common but dangerous disease of eye?

Ans: Glaucoma

  • In which condition human crystalline lens becomes hazy?

Ans: catarract

  • Which is the smallest bone of human body?

Ans: stapes

  • What is the barrier between middle ear and outer ear?

Ans: tympanic membrane