Constitution of India Question & Answer

Constitution of India Question & Answer

Constitution of India Question & Answer

Constitution of India Question & Answer
1. Constitution of India was adopted by constituent assembly on ?
Answer:26 November, 1949
2. Constitution of India came into effect from ?
Answer:26 January, 1950
3. Setting a supreme court was Calcutta is a part of ?
Answer:Regulating Act of 1773
“Regulating Act of 1773” :
Governance of East India Company was put under British parliamentary control.
Setting a supreme court in Calcutta.
The Governor of Bengal was nominated as Governor General for Calcutta, Bombay and Madras.
4. Which Act is associated with “Courts can interpret the rules and regulations.”?
Answer:Charter Act of 1793
 5.First woman judge to be appointed to Supreme Court was:
Answer:M. Fathima Beevi

6. The Christian Missionaries were allowed to spread their religion in India, under the Act ?

Answer:Charter Act of 1813

7.Which of the following political parties was first de-recognized and later on again recognized as a National Party by Election Commission of India ?

Answer:Communist Party of India-Marxist

 8.A separate Governor for Bengal to be appointed under the act ?

Answer:Charter Act of 1753

9.Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched:
STATE or UT  —–   Seat of High Court

Answer:Daman and Diu — Ahmedabad

10.The first statute for the governance of India, under the direct rule of the British Government, was the

Answer:Government of India Act, 1858

11.34. Right to property according to Constitution of India is a –

Answer:Legal Right

12.Which Act enabled the Governor General to associate representatives of the Indian People with the work of legislation by nominating them to his expanded council ?

Answer: Government of India Act, 1861

13.Which of the following amendments in the Constitution of India are related with the institution of “Panchayat Raj”?

Answer: Both 3 & 4

14.Under which Act, The councils were having a power to discuss the budget and addressing questions to the executive.

Answer: Government of India Act, 1892

15.The first Five-Year Plan in India was launched in the year?


16.Which Act was passed to consolidate the provisions of the preceding Government of India Acts ?

Answer:Government of India Act, 1915

17.Who is the Chief Law Officer of India ?

Answer:Attorney General

18.For the first time Indian Legislature was made “Bi-cameral” under :

Answer: Government of India Act, 1919
19.Who prepared the first draft Constitution of India ?
Answer:Advisory Branch of the Constituent Assembly
 20.Which Act divided legislative powers between the Centre and Provinces ?

Answer:Government of India Act, 1935

21. Who was the Chairman of the Draft Committee of the Constituent Assembly ?

Answer:Dr. B. R. Ambedkar

22.”The Constitution should give India Domination Status”, was a proposal in ?

Answer:Cripps Mission


In March 1942, Sir Stafford Cripps came with a draft declaration on the proposals of the British Government.

23.When did Constituent Assembly adopt a national Flag ?

Answer: 22nd July 1947

24.The plan to transfer of power to the Indians and partition of the country was laid down in the ?

Answer: The Mountbatten Plan

25.Who was the last British Governor General who addressed the Constituent Assembly?

Answer: Lord Mount Batten

26.How much time it took for Constituent Assembly to finalise the constitution ?

Answer: 2 Years 11 Months 18 Days

27. When was the Constitution of India adopted by the Constituent Assembly ?

Answer: 26th Nov. 1949

28.Who was the chairman of Drafting Committee ?

Answer: Dr. B.R. Ambedkar

29. In the Parliament of India Upper House in known as ?

Answer: Rajya Sabha

30.Which Article is related to Equality before law ?

Answer: Art. 14


Art. 13 – Laws inconsistent with or in derogation of the fundamental rights.

Art. 15 – Prohibition of discrimination on grounds of religion, race, caste, sex or place of birth.

Art. 16 – Equality of opportunity in matters of public employment.

31. In the National Flag, what does saffron colour represent ?

Answer: Spirit of Renunciation

32.Which Article is related with “Abolition of Untouchability” ?

Answer:Article 17


“Article 20” – Protection in respect of conviction for offences.

“Article 19” – Protection of certain rights regarding freedom of speech.

“Article 18” – Abolition of Titles.

33. In the National Flag, which colour is used in the wheel ?

Answer:Navy Blue

34.Which Article is for “Protection against arrest and detention in certain cases”?

Answer:Article 22


“Article 24” – Prohibition of employment of children in factories etc.

“Article 23” – Prohibition of traffic in human beings and forced labour.

“Article 21” – Protection of life and personal liberty.

Note : “Article 21 A” is for right to education.

35.Chief Election Commissioner of India holds office for a period of ?

Answer:  For six years or till the age of 65 years, whichever is earlier

36.Which Article is for “Protection of interests of Minorities” ?

Answer:Article 29


“Article 26” – Freedom to manage religious affairs.

“Article 27” – Freedom as to payment of taxes for promotion of any particular religion.

“Article 30” – Right of Minorities to establish and administer educational institutions.

37.The First Election Commissioner of India was

Answer:Sukumar Sen

38.Which article is related to “Equal Justice and free legal aid” ?

Answer:Article 39 A


“Article 39” : Certain principles of policy to followed by state.

“Article 43” : Living wage, etc for workers.

“Article 43 A” : Participation of workers in management of industries.

39.The judge of the Supreme Court of India now retire at the age of

Answer:65 years

40.Article 44 is related to ?

Answer:Uniform civil code for citizens.


“Article 45” – Provision of early childhood care and education to children below the age of 6 years.

“Article 47” – Duty of the state to raise the level of nutrition.

“Article 48” – Organization of agriculture and animal husbandry.

41.Which of the following bills cannot be introduced first in the Rajya Sabha?

Answer:Money Bill

42.Which article is related to Special Address by the president ?

Answer:Article 87


Article 84 – Qualification for membership of Parliament.

Article 85 – Sessions of Parliament, prorogation and dissolution.

Article 86 – Right of President to address and send messages to Houses.

43. The speaker of the Lok Sabha:

Answer:Votes only in case of tie

44.Which article is related to Assent to Bills ?

Answer:Article 111


Article 98 – Secretariat of Parliament.

Article 112 – Annual Financial statement.

Article 114 – Appropriation Bills.

45.first state in India which was created on linguistic basis ?

Answer:Andhra Pradesh

46.How many Schedules are there in Constitution of India ?

Answer:12 Schedules


The constitution of India at the time of adoption had Eight Schedules and later on four more added with time.

47. During which Five Year Plan was Green Revolution initiated in India?


48.In which Amendment act Sindhi language was included as 15th regional language in the Eight Schedule ?

Answer:21st Constitutional Amendment Act, 1967

49. Planing Commission is a –

Answer:Quasi-political body

50. In which Constitutional Amendment Act seats of Lok Sabha were increased from 525 to 545 ?

Answer:31st Constitutional Amendment Act, 1973


31st Constitutional Amendment Act, 1973 – By this amendment the seats of Lok Sabha was increased from 525 to 545 but reduced the representatior of UT’s in Lok Sabha from 25 to 20.

51.National Development council was constituted on

Answer:August 6, 1952

52.In which Constitutional Amendment Act Sikkim was made full fledged State of the Union of India ?

Answer:36th Constitutional Amendment Act, 1975


By 36th Constitutional Amendment Act, 1975 Sikkim was made full fledged State of the Union of India.

53.Which law officer shall have the right to speak in both the Houses of Parliament ?

Answer:Attorney General

54. In which Constitutional Amendment Act Goa was made a full fledged State with a State assembly ?

Answer:56th Constitutional Amendment Act, 1987


In 56th Constitutional Amendment Act, 1987 Goa was made full fledged State with a State Assembly but Daman and Diu stayed as UT.

55.Which Article of the Constitution of India mentioned the posts of the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of Rajya Sabha ?

Answer: 89

56. In which Constitutional Amendment Act An authoritative text of the Constitution in Hindi was provided to the people of India by the President ?

Answer:58th Constitutional Amendment Act, 1987

57.In which session of Parliament, Railway and General Budgets are presented ?

Answer:First session

58.Which Constitutional Amendment Act, provided reservation in admissions in private unaided educational institutions for students belonging to scheduled castes/tribes and other backward classes ?

Answer:93rd Constitutional Amendment Act, 2005

59.Where wards Committees are found ?


60.The Constitution of India is the lengthiest of all Constitutions of the world.



The Constitution of India is the lengthiest and most comprehensive of all the written Constitutions of the world.

61.Who has the Authority to approve President Rule in the state ?


62.How many articles were there originally in Constitution of India ?


63.Constitutionally, who has the power to make a law on the subject mentionable in the Union List :


64.How many articles are in Constitution of India now ?



Indian constitution had 395 articles in 22 parts and 8 schedules at the time of commencement.
But now Constitution of India have 448 articles in 25 parts, 12 schedules, 5 appendices and 98 amendments.

65.Under the constitution of India who are the ultimate Sovereign ?

Answer:Indian People

66. In the Union govt. the council of minister is collectively responsible to the:

Answer:Lok sabha

67.The constitution is the supreme law of the land. It is protected by

Answer:The Supreme Court

68.How many members are nominated to the Rajya-Sabha ?


69.The speaker can ask a member of the house to stop speaking and let another member speak. This is known as ?

Answer:Yielding the floor

70.The judges of the High court of a state are appointed by ?


71.Which of the following is not a constitutional body ?

Answer:National Advisory Council

72.According to Which articles of the Indian Constitution is Hindi, In devnagari script the official language of  the Union ?

Answer:Article 343

73.Which Article of the constitution empowers the Parliament to form a new state by altering the boundaries of existing states ?

Answer:Article 3

74. Which constitutional article provides personal immunity to the head of the states for his official act from legal action, including proceedings for contempt of Court ?

Answer:Article 361

75.Nagaland was created as a separate state in the year ?



Nagaland became the 16th state of India on 1 December 1963

76. Punjab was divided into Punjab and Haryana in the year ?


77.Under which Constitutional Article, Union Government has the power to give direction to the State Govt. regarding any of the provisions of the Constitution ?

Answer:Article 365

78.Chhattisgarh came into existence on ?

Answer:1st November, 2000

79.What is the meaning of Foreign State as given in our Indian Constitution ?

Answer:Any State other than India

80.Uttarakhand came into existence on ?

Answer:9th November, 2000


Uttarakhand was previously known as Uttranchal.

81.Who decides allotment of symbols to Political Parties ?

Answer:Election Commission

82.Which among the following is not among six fundamental rights provided by Constitution ?

Answer:Right to Protest


Six fundamental rights provided by Constitution are :

1. Right to equality
2. Right to liberty
3. Right against exploitation
4. Right to freedom of religion
5. Cultural and Educational rights
6. Right to constitutional remedy

83. Who decides de-recognition of the Political Party solely on the basis of its performance at the election, e.g., bycotting of the election ?

Answer:Election Commission

84.Which Article ensures abolition of Untouchability ?

Answer:Article 17

85.After declaration of financial emergency by the President, what is the period of operation without approval by the Parliament ?

Answer:Two Months

86.Which article ensures Abolition of Titles ?

Answer:Article 18

87.What was the total number of members in the Drafting Committee of Constitution ?


88.Who was India’s Constitutional Advisor ?

Answer:B N Rao


Note : B N Rao was also the first Indian judge at the International Court of Justice.

89.Which Indian artist decorated the handwritten Copy of the Constitution ?

Answer:Nandalal Bose

90.Which Article is described as the “Heart and Soul of the Constitution” ?

Answer:Article 32

91.What can be maximum gap between two sessions of Parliament in India ?

Answer:6 Months

92.The members of the Panchayat are ?

Answer:the electorates of the respective territorial constituencies

93.Who is head of Judiciary in the State ?

Answer:High Court

94.Delhi High court was established in ?


95.Inter state council was constituted in ?


96.Who among the following was the first chief Justice of India  and assumed office on 26th Jan. 1950 ?

Answer:Harilal Kania

97.Which Constitutional Article lays down the provision for a National Commission for SC and ST ?

Answer:Article 338

98.Which community gets special provision for Central Services in Article 336 ?

Answer:Anglo-Indian Community

99.National Commission for SC and ST shall be made by which constitutional institution ?


100.Under Constitutional Article 343, which is the official language of the Union ?

Answer:b & c