Mahatma Gandhi

Gandhi during the Salt March, March 1930

Mahatma Gandhi

  • Gandhi was born on 2nd October -1869  at Porbandar –  Gujarat.
  • it belongs to Bombay Presidency of British India.
  • he was born in Kirti Mandir –  his ancestral home.
  •  Gandhiji’s  father Karam Chand Gandhi was  Diwan of Porbandar.
  • Gandhiji’s mother Putlibai was  fourth wife of Karam Chand Gandhi.
  • On May 1883 ,The 13  years old Mohandas was married to 14-year-old  Kasturbai Makanji .
  • Gandhi had four children.
  • Harilal born  in 1888  was the  eldest son.
  • ‘ Gandhi’s Lost Jewel:Harilal Gandhi’ – is a  biography of Harilal Gandhi written by  Nilam  Parikh.
  • Gandhi –  My  father is a  film directed  by  Feroz Abbas Khan.
  • It  portays the  troubled relationship between Gandhi and Harilal.
  •  Harilal was potra yed by Akshay Khanna.
  • Darshan Jariwala  acted as  Gandhi in  this film.
  • Manilal was  second  son of Gandhi.
  • ‘ Gandhi prisoner – the life of Gandhi son  Manilal’ – is a biography of Mandal written by Uma D Mesthries.
  • Ramadas was  third son of Gandhi.
  • It was  Ramdas Gandhi lit   the fire to start the  cremation off Gandhi.
  • Devadas Gandhi was the youngest and   the fourth son of Gandhi.
  • Devadas married to  Lakshmi, the daughter of C. Rajagopalachari.
  • Raj Mohan Gandhi was son of Devdas Gandhi.
  • ‘ Mohandas, a true story of a man, his people and Empire’  is written by Rajmohan Gandhi.
  • Gopalkrishna Gandhi, Former governor of west  Bengal was the  Second Son of Devadas Gandhi.
  • Gandhi went to England for legal studies in 1888  by  that time Gandhi was 19  years old.

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  • Gandhi studied law at University College, London.
  • Gandhiji returned  to India in 1891.
  • In 1893 , Gandhiji accepted a year-long contract from Dada Abdullah and co , Indian firm, to post in the colony of Netal – South Africa.
  • the issue on which  his South African  struggle began was the proposed bill of the   Netal  government to differenchise Indian’s at Netal.
  • Netal Indian Congress was Formed in 1894 .
  • Gandhiji started weekly.’ Indian opinion’ at  South Africa in1903.
  • Gandhiji established Phoenix Ashram in Durban in 1904.  it is the first  ashram started by Gandhi.
  • Jain  Scholar  influenced  Gandhi was Raj Chandra Ravjibhat Shatardhani.
  • In 1906  September 11   Gandhiji takes oath  of  passive  resistance  against newly promugated Transvaal Asiatic  law amendment ordinance Johannesburg.
  • Gandhiji formed  passive resistance Association in1907  to  boycott permit offices associated with registration issue.
  • Gandhi started  Tolstory farm at  transval  with the  help of his German  friend Kallenbach at transval In 1913 .
  • Gandhiji was  thrown  of a train in South AfricaPiete rmartizburg  after  refusing to move from the First class.
  • Gandhiji reached India on January 9 ,1915.
  • In 1915  Gandhiji founds  Satyagraha Ashram  at kocharab , Ahmedabad.
  • Rajkumar shukla  invited Gandhiji into  Champaran  district of  Bihar.
  • Gandhiji along with Brij Kishore  Prasad and  Rajendra Prasad arrived  in  Champaran on April 15 ,1917 .
  • Gandhi made first hunger strike as a part of Ahmedabad  Mill  strike.
  • Anti – Rowlet Act agitation Was the first all-India political movement Made by Gandhi .
  • In 1920 Gandhiji launched non -co -operation Movement.
  • In 1922  February 5  Chauri chaura  tragedy, Gandhiji abandons non-cooperative  movement.
  • Gandhi was arrested on march 10,1922 and sentenced to six years imprisonment.
  • On 31 December 1929, the flag of India was unfurled in  Lahore.
  • 26 January1930 was celebrated as India’s Independence Day why Congress meeting at Lahore.

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  • Gandhiji started Salt Satyagraha on 12 March 1930 by Starting from  Sabarmati.
  •  March reached Dhandi beach on April 6 – 1930.
  • 78 Congress volunt eers participated Dhandi march and they covered 388 K.M.
  • Gadhiji sighned Gandhi – Irwin pact in March 1931.
  • On 1931 Gandhiji participated second round table conference.
  • Poona Pact was signed with Ambedkar on 1932.It withdraw the communal award presented by Ramsay Macdonald.
  • On 1932 December  Gandhiji formed Harijan Sevaksangh.
  • On 8th May 1933 ,Gandhi began a 21 day fast of self-purification and launched a one-year campaign to help Harijan movement.
  • In 1934 Gandhiji resigned from Congress party membership.
  • On 1936 Gandhiji settled Sevagram Ashram of Wardha Maharashtra.
  • On 1937 Gandhiji introduced new educational policy called Wardha educational scheme.
  • Quit India resolution was passed in Bombay on August 8 ,1942 and Gandhiji raised the slogan Quit India.
  • Gandhiji shot dead at Birla house by Nathuram Godse .It was by using Italian Benita Pistol.
  • Six persons accused in Gandhi murder case were Shankar Kistaiya , Gopal Godse , Madanlal Pashwa, Digambar Badge , Nathuram Godse and Vishnu Karkare.
  • Nathuram Godse and Narayan Apte were sentenced to death and hanged Gopal Godse was sentenced  to life imprisonment.
  • Godse and Apte were hanged at Ambala prison ,Haryana.
  • 1944   February 22  Kasturba Gandhi dies in Aga Khan’s palace.
  • In 1947 January12 Decides  to fast against communal violence in Delhi.
  • Gandhiji suggested that Congress should be transformed into Lok Sevak Sangh.

Also read  : India after Independence

Books about Gandhi

  • Mahatma Gandhi    – Romain Rolland
  • A week with Gandhi   – Luis Fisher
  • The life of Mahatma Gandhi   – Louis Fisher.
  • Gandhi and Stalin  – Luis Fischer
  • At the feet of Gandhi  – Rajendra Prasad.
  • In search of Gandhi  – Richard Attenborough.
  • Waiting for the Mahatma  – R.K Narayanan.
  • Gandhi a life revised    – Krishna Kripalani.
  • Gandhi and Anarchy in India  – C.Shankaran Nair.
  • Man who killed Gandhi  – Manohar Mangokar.
  • The life of Mohan Das Karam Chand Gandhi  – D.J.Tendulkar.

Also read : Mahatma Gandhi Quotes


  • Dr . Rajendra Prasad is known as Bihar Gandhi.
  • Khan Abdul khafar is known as ‘frontier Gandhi.
  • K.Kelappan is known as ‘Kerala Gandhi’.
  • I.K.Kumaran master is known as ‘Mahi Gandhi’.
  • Martin Luther King is known as ‘American Gandhi’.
  • Ibrahim Rugeva is known as Balkan Gandhi/Kosovo Gandhi.
  • Kenneth Kaunda is known as African Gandhi .
  • Nelson Mandela is known as South Africa Gandhi.
  • Kwame Nkruma is known as Kenyan Gandhi .
  • General Aungsan is Known as Burmese Gandhi.
  • Ahmed Sukarno is known as Indonesian Gandhi.
  • A.T Ariyaratne is known as SriLankan Gandhi.
  • C.K.krishnan Nair is known as Delhi Gandhi.

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